I am VERY happy about school starting up again! Most would say I'm crazy, some would agree with me. But I would rather be working hard at school with my friends than being bored at home. Although i did have a bit of fun over these holidays. Like, sleepovers.. Everyone loves em :) Ice skating.. First time in a year, and that SUPER hot guy that I got a picture with made the memory a lot more fun. Malling.. It's not a very rare thing for me.. But when it's with a friend that I haven't seen since Yr 6 graduation.. Yeah, It's HECKERS! And what would my boring days at home be without Facebook, Msn and Blogging? NOTHING. So I thank you internet, for making my holidays that little bit better. So school, for me, is something to look forward to. :) I'll see you soon dear people of Canberra High School!!
ps. Theres that ONE special person I would very much like to see after being deprived of you for two weeks. ;)