Thursday, April 22, 2010


I am VERY happy about school starting up again! Most would say I'm crazy, some would agree with me. But I would rather be working hard at school with my friends than being bored at home. Although i did have a bit of fun over these holidays. Like, sleepovers.. Everyone loves em :) Ice skating.. First time in a year, and that SUPER hot guy that I got a picture with made the memory a lot more fun. Malling.. It's not a very rare thing for me.. But when it's with a friend that I haven't seen since Yr 6 graduation.. Yeah, It's HECKERS! And what would my boring days at home be without Facebook, Msn and Blogging? NOTHING. So I thank you internet, for making my holidays that little bit better. So school, for me, is something to look forward to. :) I'll see you soon dear people of Canberra High School!!

ps. Theres that ONE special person I would very much like to see after being deprived of you for two weeks. ;)

Monday, April 19, 2010

You Know What?.. FUCK IT.

I was your friend. But you took me for granted. You were never there when i was going through one of the most painful experiences of my life so far. You just sat back and enjoyed your perfect boyfriend. And then you blame ME for the way we drifted apart. I lost all respect for you wayyy before we started fighting. Because you're just a horrible person. You tried to become a better person when you realised how awful you were being. But you just became worse. You accuse me of changing. Well DUHH! of course I'm going to change! i'm in a different environment now, with different people and different problems. But still, I think not. I havent changed. Your opinion of me changed. Theres a difference. And now that we hate each other, I just dont seem to care. I thought that i would care at least a little bit considering you were one of my closest friends.. but i dont. I just honestly couldn't give a shit about you. And people expected me to be quiet and not say a thing when i faced you for the first time since the fight. But I'm just not like that. I got through the first day of being around you and being calm about it. But now, I'm already sick of it. I cant stand it. I dont want to have to be around you and act like I'm okay with it. Because I'm not. And I wont pretend that i am just because you're friends with my friends. And... I HATE YOU. So NO. I wont do what everyone else does and just put on an act everytime you're around. I'm done doing it, after one day. Thats how impatient i am.

Oh and, a quote from a friend.. Roses are red. Violets are blue. I have five fingers, And the middle one's for you.

So theres your answer. A big, fat, FUCK YOU.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Vampire Academy~ Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies...
Frostbite~ When love and jealousy collide on the slopes, winter break turns deadly...
Shadow Kiss~ What if following her heart means Rose could lose her best friend forever?
Blood Promise~ Love and loyalty run deeper than blood...
Spirit Bound~ Dimitri gave Rose the ultimate choice. But she chose wrong...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Best Band Ever

I hate the holidays. It sucks cow nipples. I never do ANYTHING. I have to hear about other people going to the coast or going overseas or at least getting out of their own suburb! Whilst hearing about these fun-filled holidays from other people, I'm stuck at home doing shit all. Occasionally I get to hang out with my friends at the mall or something simple like that, but that's the best it gets. Honestly, the majority of my holidays has been spent webbing with LEEBOI. I've also spent it dealing with fake bitches that have no lives. Seriously, they act like I've done something wrong and because of that 'something' it gives them the right to call me names and make stupid accusations about me. Just coz they don't have lives, they have to come along and make mine so much more crappier. So yeah, that pretty much sums up my holidays. I hope yours is a lot better than mine. Actually, that's a lie. I hope your holidays is even more miserable than mine is, so I have something to feel better about. Ninaa.x

Friday, April 16, 2010

I decided to make a blog and write about my thoughts, feelings and happenings. Usually when I read other blogs, the writer talks about things that they need to get out. Things that upset them. Unfortunately, I have A LOT of things I need to get out. But I'm not just gonna write about soppy, depressing bullshit all the time. There's still all the good things about me and my life that I would like to share. So now I can get used to writing a blog instead of posting an extremely long facebook status. ENJOY!!